Trapped Emotion Release


A healthy system needs flow… and energetic blockages or build-up can cause stagnancy where we need free movement.

Trapped emotions are energy blocks, most often received during long past unresolved incidents, absorbed by primary caregivers, or inherited from your ancestral lineage. They can become lodged in our body and even create a wall around the heart, blocking our health, wellness, abundance, emotional stability, and our deep loving relationships.

The EmotionCode protocol helps guide us in identifying and gently releasing trapped emotions and blockages, which can interfere with our highest expression of health, abundance and self-worth.

You do not need to go through past trauma or re-live past experiences in order to release them using this protocol. During our session(s), I will determine if and where you may have trapped emotions, when and how they came to you. We gently clear the trapped emotion(s) by passing a magnet over over your head and back, activating your Governing Meridian, associated with the mind, thoughts and self-sovereignty. We can also look for trapped emotions specifically related to current issues in your life, such as abundance, self-worth, romance, and creativity.

Session lengths vary. Most people have 2-10 emotions to release at any given time, and hundreds total. Your first session may take up to 45 minutes to fully assess, read and work through the Trapped Emotions that are ready to be cleared first. There are generally more layers to work through, and best times for every individual’s trapped emotions to come up for release.

This modality can assist integration and healing through all the work you are doing. Most people carry dozens of trapped emotions from their lifetime of experiences in addition to inherited and preconception blocks, and they are not ready to be released at one time.

To fully receive the benefits of Emotional Release protocols, continued sessions are recommended to go deeper into peeling away layers, lowering walls, and releasing the blocks keeping you from your highest expression of health and self.


$90-$125 sliding scale for the first session, up to 60 minutes

$70-$90 sliding scale for continued individual sessions, up to 45 minutes


a concentrated 4-session package for $325

each session is held in-person in Nevada City

for distance sessions via Zoom, you may reduce each session price by $15


forms of Payment accepted:

PayPal, VenMo, Cash